Available now!

Do you have a song request?
Make a song request via your phone with the EDGE REQUEST APP
Quickly download the free app.


The app that allows customers to have a say in the music that plays in their favourite venues!

Edge Music is a leading Music + Video + Advertising System in Australia, already providing entertainment and advertising in Fitness Centres, Clubs, Hotels, Bowling and other various venues all across Australia.
The Edge Request app works in conjunction with Edge Music systems and is all about enhancing the customer experience. It enables customers to request their favourite songs to suit or boost the mood in their favourite venues. It also proves a very valuable tool in allowing venues to alert customers through their iOS or Android devices about promotions or important messages.
Find a list of participating venues near you with the Edge Request App. If your favourite venue is not already on board, ask a staff member why not?

Download the app today to start requesting songs for free!

Edge Request

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